CRank: 5Score: 2710

solves everything :)

5303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was the best game on 360 in 2009. AC2 was good, but it wasnt THAT good. But I guess im a bigger fan of FPSs anyhow. I really liked OpFlash2 and Forza3 as well. ODST had a good story, but its just not "HALO" without Master Chief.

5303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats kinda like downing the rock band guitar, for not being useful in things other than rockband.
Natal will have games made specifically for it, and if devs decide to incorporate the control scheme into other games(more so mainstream), then so be it. But if they didnt plan on having games and functions made specifically for it, then there would be no point in making it. Its just like the Wii. Its fun, but none of the big multiplat games are any good on it. we would much rather play t...

5303d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

this should spice up the bedroom activities, nicely. :)
Hope it vibrates, sure looks like it should.

No analog, but the big black button in the middle, looks like it could be some sort of touchpad/sensor, kind like the one they have on the new blackberrys(they got rid of their trackball).

5303d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You really don't want to accept it do you? Fine, I will break it down AGAIN very slowly for you from the beginning (even though you won't admit it just as you have shown all this time)**get to it son**

In my original post @ 1.34 I agreed with a point made by DaTruth of how there is a double standard about how certain types of "gamers" hated motion controls (Wii & Eyetoy/PS Eye/PS Wand) and now that Natal was shown to be nothing more than what the Eyetoy did LAST GEN...

5303d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just because you don't want to accept what I have posted as facts doesn't mean they aren't.**No, these are just old @ss videos. If they were facts, you would be able to explain yourself.**

Your opinion, views and guesses do not equate to facts.**But I can explain them. Making them, more so facts, than anything you have said so far. And yet, I have never ONCE claimed anything I have said to be a fact.**

My links and proof are.**Proof of what? WHAT FACTS? Once again, a...

5304d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think he's joking. I mean, the environments, KINDA look pretty, but nothing special. The character models are bland in the face, and lack body definition.

Sony and MS may put off consoles for a while, but not because of this engine.

5304d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment


5304d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ "Happy" I actually don't even have to post anything long to explain a few simple verifiable facts right here above. ***Listen kiddo, we get that you putting up random & old vids of eyetoy tech demo crap. The question is, why? No one is denying its existence or what it does---so what are you trying to prove is factual??***

You have made comments (assumptions) about me and were wrong. **Yeah but you havent PROVEN me wrong about you. You just say I am. Well, guess wh...

5304d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

easy there kiddo.
does a login name have to do with anything(including your hypocrisy)?

But what really bothers me that I have to point out is how you speak about the hypocrisy of others yet you are absolutely clueless about your own hypocrisy ~ your own login name is "The Happy Baby" and yet you are making claims of others being children!
**how is this hypocrisy again?**

PLUS your ASSumptions couldn't be anymore wrong. You don't know me, my a...

5304d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Eyetoy for PS2 was a joke. If you were dumb enough to take that gimmick seriously, then I pity you.
Say hi to your brother and sis---i mean, mom and dad, for me. :)

"PS3 owners are saying "show me good motion cotrol games and I will be excited"!" ?????????
Ps3 owners got excited over their tech demo, just like 360 owners got excited over theirs.
Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today.

5305d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

That should have gotten GOTY. Im just sayin....

5305d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

...iz moar den iz ken standz.

5306d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

...get attached to a "Clan" that he started. and he blew the rest of us off b/c we werent in that clan.
They always treated each other like SHlT, blaming each other for mistakes made during a match of Gears2.

When he tried to pull rank on them, they were like, "F*ck you, who made you boss??" Then they changed kicked him out of the clan, and filed complaints on him so he would have to change his GamerTag.

He had no one to play with, so ofcou...

5307d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im excited for the single player, but i think the multiplayer is going to be crap.
Kinda like how I enjoyed MGS4 but not MGO---and the same with UC2(great single player, mediocre multiplayer). I'll stick to MW2 for multiplayer.

But I guess it will be nice to get some of the gameplay mechanics down. And see how the graphics panned out.

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this hack is means nothing to me. i take the same stance with COD rank, as I do with Halo and Gear---you play long enough, you'll get a high ranking. Or if your good at the game, you'll get a high ranking. But there is nothing to distinguish the two. **Ofcourse once you play someone, you can obviously see how well they play, but I still think there should be something that shows how long you've been playing, to show how much time its taken you to amass that amount of exp. Please let me know i...

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment long for this game.

I hope its as good as the others. The DS may have a TON of shovelware---but there are some classics that cannot be denied, like Zelda. :)

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....a pound of that, lol.

5307d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was great. N4G should have more of this, and less flamebait crap.
Sure it wasnt news, but it was great.

5307d ago 47 agree0 disagreeView comment

the awards were good. but I usually stick to Xplay's awards.

This night was supposed to "blow me away". Reach's trailer did nothing for me. I dont think Halo is as much fun without being Master Chief. lol.

Dont care for Arkham 2. But im sure alot of people were jazzed about it.

Didnt care for Spec Ops. Bad Company 2 is prolly going to be alot better.

Force Unleashed 2---dear god in heaven, i hope this game is a vast improvement ...

5307d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment